If you spend a penny on advertising, you need to Register a Trademark. The clever name you came up with to describe your product or service is a Trademark.
You won’t have to go to court to stop a competitor from stealing your trademark if you have a Registered Trademark.
A Registered Trademark is an investment. Intellectual Property can be added to your balance sheet as an asset.
For example, let’s take a hypothetical company, ACME Inc.. What does ACME do? They make apps for iPhones. Q: How does a customer recognize an ACME App? A: By the ACME App Icon. The app icon is a Trademark.
Let’s take another example: ZETA Ltd. duplicates CDs and DVDs. Nothing glamorous or different from its competitors except their “Flashboombang” 1-day service that they advertise every week. You guessed it: Flashboombang is a Trademark. And if the competitors came out with Flashboombank to ride ZETA’s advertising coat-tails, in this case the similarity of the words would give ZETA the upper hand in a legal dispute.